Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 8 - Delivery, delivery, delivery

View from the Tower Bridge - Tower of London (right)
Tallest building in Europe along with London Bridge
I spent the majority of the day dealing with deliveries.  I had to make sure some pallets were ready to get shipped to Birmingham where Track & Field was having their pre-Olympic camp.  It's a few hours from here.  Fred and I coordinated a few deliveries between Score and UEL since he was up there.  I'm starting to get a grasp on my phone now.  It's been about 5 or 6 years since I have used a phone with this capability.  It's basically for calling and text messages and thats it.  There is no camera and you have to delete the messages manually as they get full.  Kick'in it old school! It's funny that I'm calling it old school even though we used those kind of phones within the last decade.  However, the shortcuts and intricacies of the phone are coming back to me now, like T9 texting.  It does have one cool feature where you can hold a button and call yourself.  I guess that is good if you want to take a "fake" call.  I would never use that, or would I?  One of the volunteers, Paul, came in to help me with what I had going on.  Pretty cool dude.  He followed me around for the day and we talked about a variety of things.  Others started calling him my assistant.  It was enjoyable to hear the British terms for certain things.  Many are not quite fitting for this blog.  He did point out a cute girl and said that she had nice "pins", meaning she has nice legs.  I also noticed how common it is for people to say cheers which means thank you.  He told me I had to get accustomed to it myself because females are the ones who occasionally say "thank you."  I'm trying, at least when I'm talking to other British people.  It's difficult though because I often find myself wanting to say it like them and try adding an accent which probably makes me look dumb.  We tested the basketball courts out and shot some hoops during the day until the wrestling mats delivery came.  Finally it arrived at 6.  
AJ and I arranged for a few of us from UEL to meet up with a few of his crew from USA House at the Tower Bridge.  The bridge actually looked a bit more spectacular tonight since there was no rain.  The old battleship docked alongside the river was also lit.  We found a new place along that bridge road that actually had some nice deals.  It's always fun to break away from our village at UEL and see some other peeps, especially since UEL is on the east side and there is not much near.  Once again, thank you London tube system.  That is all.  Good night. Zzzzzzzz

Days Until Olympic Games: 11

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